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HVAC Heating Troubleshooting Guide

Having trouble with your heating system this winter? Check this quick checklist to see if you can find the problem.


Your gas could be turned off.

âžž Recommended Action: Check gas valve at gas company meter, check shutoff valve at furnace and check for other shutoff valves. Contact the gas company to have gas valve turned on or contact your local Trane Comfort Specialist, Muse HVAC.

Your system could be turned off or your unit unplugged.

âžž Recommended Action: Check your thermostat and heating unit to assure that they are both plugged in. Refer to your use and care guide or contact your local Trane Comfort Specialist, Muse HVAC.

Your thermostat may be off or set incorrectly.

âžž Recommended Action: Make sure your thermostat is on and set to heat. If thermostat is on, reset thermostat to your desired temperature.

You may have a tripped circuit breaker.

Recommended Action: Check your home circuit breaker box and reset circuit breaker.



Did that work? If not, then it might be time to call a professional to take a look. 

Contact Muse HVAC: 
662-280-0710 901-327-4856