
Business Refrigeration
February 19, 2018
Keep it Cool Are you a business that needs to keep things refrigerated? Try out Muse's Commercial Refrigeration, we have all the equipment for you. From owning a beer selection or owning food for a restaurant, it is an investment worth considering. More information below. The Commercial Department at Muse Heating & Air Conditioning is here to serve all your commercial refrigeration needs. We are a company that is committed to excellence in every aspect, from installation to service to customer care. Give us a call and let us take care of all your commercial refrigeration needs. REFR...

Don't Go Dry
February 12, 2018
Inside Your Home It seems like 2018 is already flashing before our eyes. With February being virtually halfway over, the weather is constantly changing from warm to cold. This can create some interesting atmospheres inside your home. Do you go to sleep at night, and wake up feeling dry and sluggish? A humidifier can fix these issues you may experience. It will improve your overall sleep, and keep you feeling great on a not so great day. You may be asking yourself, " why would I need this?" Well we have your answer. Humidify Your Home Humidifiers work in tandem with your heating sy...

Get The Most Air
February 05, 2018
Leaks Another week is here, and here at Muse we want to start off the week with some things you may not know. Did you know you may be losing some of your air throughout your air ducts? Yes, in fact, you very well could be losing some of the air that could be heating your home due to leaks! If you want those leaks to stop, read the next section to find out how! Stoppage In homes with forced-air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute conditioned air throughout the house. In a typical house, however, about 20 percent of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due ...

Spring is on the Rise
January 29, 2018
Warmer Weather Soon? It may not feel like it on most days, but January is basically over! Quick start to 2018, which means only one thing. Warmer weather will be on the rise soon. Although the mid-south is expected to receive more snowy weather; around the corner is shorts and t-shirts. Why do we consider this now? Well it is important to prepare with air conditioning. Consider investing in a new unit this year. Why? Well, some units may have lived their life, and need to be replaced. This could apply to you if you have recently moved into a house that was previously owned, or you have been l...

Purified Air
January 22, 2018
Clean Air Purified air is an essential part of every home. If you are unaware, after a while the air in your home can become contaminated even if you are unable to physically see it. Dust is not the only harmfully particle that could be floating inside your home. Air Cleaners are a great way to remove these harmful particles from your home for good. This can not only better the atmosphere of your home, but also better your health in the long run. What harmful particles are we talking about? Read the section below for more information. The Hard Truth Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria,...

Clean Ducts
January 15, 2018
Dusty Ducts The heat has been blasting throughout your home the past few days. This could cause some duct build up. This winter, clean up those ducts with air duct cleaning service. Dusty ducts can be harmful to your health, and you could be breathing in harmful materials each time your unit turns on. Prepare for this upcoming Spring, and have clean air circulating throughout your home. Additional Information WHY SHOULD I HAVE MY AIR DUCTS CLEANED? Air ducts naturally accumulate sizeable deposits of dust and other contaminants over a period of years. Dirt deposits can reduce the efficie...

The Installation You Wanted
January 08, 2018
Some New Equipment The start of the New Year, and some of you may have planned to get new units. Installation is always a big headache, and sometimes that may keep you from following through with an order. That is why Muse is there for you. Set up this 2018 with brand new equipment from Muse, and let us save you the hassle of installation. Our team of professionals will do all the work for you. Sit back, and relax with your new equipment. Installation Your home comfort system is most likely the single biggest use of energy in your home. In fact, over a third of the energy used in the United...

HVAC 2018
January 03, 2018
Welcome to 2018 Muse would like to welcome all to the new year. We hope everyone had a great holiday season to close out 2017. With this new year in full swing already, we are experiencing some cold weather that we were not expecting! This would be a great time of the year to invest into zoning for your home. What is zoning? Zoning is very effective in helping your home stay warm/ cold in the rooms that you want. This is a great money saver for all families. With zoning, you can set temperatures for each room. For example, if you are not using one of the rooms in your home, you would not have...

Warm up the New Year
December 26, 2017
2018 is Coming We are hoping everyone is having a great holiday season to close out 2017! Here at Muse, we want you to be taken care of, and we want to be there for all your needs at the beginning of this new year. Start the new year right with a gas furnace to warm up our home. We have furnaces that have great AFUE rates. What is AFUE? This stands for Annual Fuel Use Efficiency; this means how efficient your furnace utilizes its fuel all year. Read below for more information! Muse Gas Furnaces Today's new high efficiency furnaces can save up to 50% in operating costs over a ten-year-ol...

Everything You Need
December 18, 2017
All in One Are you looking for a new air conditioner for next summer? Are you looking for some steady heat this winter? Look no further, Muse offers packaged units that have everything you need in one unit. With packaged units, these work just like your other units, and the only difference is that they are all in one unit this time. Look forward through the seasons, and always know that you will be living comfortably with a packaged unit. This holiday season check on your units, and see if it is time for an upgrade. Call Muse today! More Information Our complete line of packaged systems inc...

Having Any Issues?
December 11, 2017
The Troubleshooting Method This holiday season is already becoming hectic for most families, and with crazy scheduled sometimes you may not have time to call one of our professionals. We have a troubleshooting guide in helping you look at what is going wrong by taking you step by step. Troubleshooting is a method created to prevent you making an unnecessary call to Muse, and help you to diagnose the problem you may be having a little quicker. In most cases, you may become frustrated whenever one of your units stops working properly, and this is common among many. Paying for something as expen...

Repair For Fall
December 01, 2017
Service Needed This Fall have your services checked and repaired by Muse professionals. This Winter it will be getting cold, and we want you to feel comfortable. Your units are not designed to last forever, and if you have been in your home for a while it may be time for a checkup. In addition, it may be time to upgrade in general! More Information Emergency Repair Service Hotline: 662-280-0710 As licensed contractors and specialists in the field of heating and air-conditioning, we have the tools, the equipment, and the experience to keep your equipment running smoothly all year long. If ...

Zone Your Home
November 27, 2017
Save Money, Save Heat This winter try out Zoning. This is a great money saver, but it also is a great way to stay comfortable in your home! The main point of zoning your home is for the rooms that you may not inhibit as much throughout the week. For example, if you have an a bedroom, and your kid is off at college; there is no need for the heat/ air conditioning to be wasting energy on a room nobody is in. Keep the rooms comfy that you know you will be in! More Information Zoning can provide optimum comfort with increased energy savings in your home by dividing a home into areas with similar...

New Season, New System
November 13, 2017
Your Home System Matters Whether you are a resident who has been here for many years, or you are in the process of purchasing a new home. This blog will be relevant to all home owners in the Mid-South. Your HVAC system in your home is very important, and the burning question is, "is it working to the best abilities?" Just like anything that is a working machine, after a while normal wear and tear will bring down the performance of your system. That is why this new season is a perfect time to invest into your home. A new system could be all the difference in your bills, in comfort, a...

Time to Humidify
November 06, 2017
Winter Is Coming The Fall season may have just started, but that doesn't mean that it won't be cold. We all know in the South that it is either hot or cold all the time. The tradition will continue this upcoming cold season. Therefore, if you do not currently own a humidifier system, now would be a great time to invest. A humidifier is a great addition to any home, and is especially beneficial in the colder months. There are numerous benefits to owning a humidifier in your home. Just a few include preventing dry skin, home feels warmer, and prevents damage to the wood of your house. H...

Do you have a heat pump?
October 30, 2017
It Is Getting Colder The frigid air has arrived! Somedays you can get away without wearing a jacket, but it would be unwise to do so at nighttime now. The warm air has now packed its bags, and will be back in a few months. Now that the warm air has left, the question of, "How can I stay warm in the Winter?" Well, the answer to that is, there is many ways. Muse offers a variety of products that can keep your house warm, while keeping the cost low as well. This next way is no different, and that way is with Heat Pumps. To find out some great information about Heat Pumps, and what they...

Hybrid is the Future
October 23, 2017
Hybrid Heating Everyone these days have heard of hybrid everything. Hybrid cars, gadgets, and so many others. In the heating and air conditioning industry, it is no different. With Hybrid Heating, this winter you can save more money than you imagined. First you may be wondering how does this work? What does this even mean? Well first, Hybrid is when two elements are combined to create a new element. So, what is being combined in the heating system? Well, it is the electrical part and the gas part mix together and this creates one of the most efficient hybrid systems for your home. How It Wor...

The Furnace You Need
October 16, 2017
Fall Is Coming Just like that, the warmer weather is starting subside, and the cold front is starting to approach us. In this case, that means your house will start getting colder without any air conditioning. Which means it is time to turn on the furnace. In some cases, families, will resist turning on their furnace because they do not want to waste electricity. Muse has the answer to this problem, and it is a lot simpler than you think. A Gas furnace. A gas furnace can be saving you a lot of money on your electricity bill in these colder months. How you ask? Here's how. Your Answer To...

Be Duct Free
October 09, 2017
Duct Free for The Fall This Fall will bring all different types of weather to the mid-south. If this is the case, we will be having hot, cold, or a mixture of both until the real Fall winter arrives. That is why having a duct free system in your home is perfect. They are small, efficient, and will keep your house or rooms at the temperature that you desire. This will save you some money in the long run because when you change your thermostat between hot and cold, your energy bill will be increasing every time. The Facts Duct free heating and cooling systems make your home's individual r...

Be At Home With Muse
October 02, 2017
Happiness Across the Seasons In this week's blog, we will talk about the convenience of having working HVAC equipment. Your heating and air is almost taken for granted since we use it every day, but the second it stops working, it makes it very difficult to do many normal things in the home. In the Summer, the home gets very hot and vice versa in Winter. Make sure all your equipment is up to date before the Winter hits in a few months. Fall is here now, but do not be deceived by your units because they won’t be working as hard. Nonetheless, you should be happy in all seasons of the ...